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223 Club Membership
On Wednesdays and Sundays, members of the 223 Club can shoot rifles and handguns chambered in .223 Rem and 5.56 NATO in the Range. Only a member, not their guests, may shoot these rifles in the Range. All individuals that want to shoot these rifles in the Range are required to purchase a 223 Club membership.
Membership Requirements
Anyone can apply for membership in the 223 Club. There is a one-time, non-refundable, registration fee of $30.00. You will be required to have your name, address and a contact number on file.
Range Rules
In addition to the normal range rules the following will apply:
- At sign in, you must tell the range officer you will be shooting 223/5.56.
- For semi-automatic rifles and handguns, you must shoot at a large target. Bolt action rifles may use a smaller target.
- At the end of your session, the range officer will check the range equipment in your lane for any damage.
- You are responsible for bullet strikes to range equipment by you and anyone who uses your firearm.
- You will be charged to repair or replace range equipment for excessive damage or deliberate hits. Any non-payment of equipment repairs will result in the revocation of your membership.
Additional Guidelines
Modern Sporting Rifles (MSR) can eject casings long distances compared to some handguns. Check to see that your casings are not interfering with your range neighbors. Some MSR barrels can get quite hot after multiple rounds, so please do not lean the barrel of your gun on any equipment that may melt from the heat. At all times, please be aware of your actions and how they will affect the other shooters in the range with you.
Everyone at A & S Indoor Pistol Range wants you to enjoy your time spent with us, but we must be able to, at all times and above everything else, provide a safe and well maintained facility for all of our customers.