A & S Indoor Pistol Range Events
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Fun Shoot League
Looking for some friendly competition? We have a fun way to test your shooting talents and improve your skills. Join one of our fun league teams. Great for families, boyfriends, and girlfriends, husbands and wives, even singles.
The Fun Shoot Pistol League was created for shooters of all levels to be able to compete against each other for FUN! Both new shooters and experienced shooters are welcome.
The League is made up of teams and extends over an eight week period. You can sign up as a team or be placed on a list of other shooters who will be grouped together to form teams.
There is no League night. Each Sunday, the week’s target is revealed and each League member has from Sunday to Saturday of the current week to shoot the week’s target. Weekly targets, varying distances, and changing grips (not a bulls-eye league) are what make this League fun to shoot. Official scoring is done by a Range Officer.
Teams | Depending on the number of shooters that sign up, team sizes vary. Teams can be comprised of men, women, and youths. Youngsters must be at least 12 years old and accompanied by an adult at least 21 years of age. |
Firearms | .22 League uses .22 caliber pistols only, no rifles or long guns. Open sights, optical sights, and red dot sights are acceptable. Projected lasers are not permitted. |
Targets | Different targets are provided each week. Distance is set at either 25 or 50 feet, depending on the target. Shooting grip may be different for each target. |
Shooting | All team members can meet at the Range to shoot together or each member can shoot at their convenience throughout the week. |
Cost | The cost is $15.00 per person, per week. This fee includes the Range time for League shooting only, target(s) and scorekeeping. League members must pay for all eight weeks at the start of the League. |